Sunday, March 6, 2011

Eco Surf Volunteers Galapagos - New Trier Conversation

Hi All!

Breanna came up with a great idea of creating an online forum for us to be able to share our questions, comments and concerns about the upcoming Volunteer Project in the Galapagos Islands.

Below, in the comments section, please feel free to ask and share anything you wish regarding the Volunteer Project. We'll invite former participants to share their experiences as well.

Hope you find this useful!

Sam Bailey

Founding Director, Eco Surf Volunteers
sam [at] ecosurfvolunteers [dot] org


  1. Please help contribute to our conversation!

  2. Hello Eco Surf Volunteers and families,
    I hope this exciting new format will make it easier for people to ask questions and see the responses. Can't wait for the trip!

